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Today reminds me of my yesterday

Yesterday I was soaring around the palace of green valleys, living with my existence freely. Today, I am the prisoner of greed that has usher me to restlessness and then into crushing misery.

Yesterday I was a bird flying with head high without any wall. Today I am the slave of man’s made laws, purchased friends and fickle customs of society.

Yesterday I was among the loving people, caring friends, and respected society. Today I am among the women who sell their bodies to purchase golds and diamonds and men who suppress society with dreadful terror, damn bloody weapons to get money and power.

Yesterday I was among the children blossom like flowers who used to open their petals to admit light with melodious songs. Today I am among the children who are being shot by the merciless weapons and harassed by the bloody paws and hollow faced people.

Yesterday I was rich in peace and today I am poor in wealth.

OH! The Lord of lords and The Creator of universe forgive me, I did not know that jewelry of gold and garments of greed will lead me to such distorted and pitiful life.

Forgive me My Lord! Forgive me….

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